8 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight
The main reason why you’re not losing weight is because you are eating too many calories .You may think that this does not apply to you, but keep in mind that studies consistently show that people tend to underestimate their calorie intake by a significant amount (Use the Calorie Calculator to check your daily Calorie needs)

It doesn’t matter if you’re using keto Intermittent Fasting or have the Best Nutritionist and Personal Trainer—there are a few basic weight loss truths that are self-evident For Example: Processed foods and too much sugar are bad, healthy fats and whole foods packed with fiber are good, and you should definitely avoid the following universal no-nos that many top weight loss experts say will derail any weight loss program.
- When you space out your meals too much, your metabolism slows down and isn’t able to burn off all the calories you eat in your next meal.
- Those extra calories may wind up as extra weight. And you may overeat because you’re too hungry. Try eating smaller portions, and eat more often.
Determine Your Calorie Needs
Start by calculating how many calories you should aim to lose weight.
Getting in shape is easy in theory, but the execution is tough which is why people are still asking Google, ‘why am I not losing weight?’
Start implementing these strategies BELOW and you’ll never have to ask again.
1 .You’Re Not Eating Protein In The Morning (or Skipping Breakfast)
- I noticed that 90% of my clients [who can’t lose weight] are skipping heavy protein in the first meal of their day.
- Having a higher protein diet, especially starting the day high, leads not just to a higher thermal effect (burning more calories throughout the day), but better preservation of lean body mass, which further protects the metabolism, and aids in a more tone and defined look.
- It also lessens cravings, mood disturbance, irritability, stress, and fatigue levels throughout the entire day—all things leading to weight gain, or trouble losing weight.
2.You May Be Gaining Muscle
- Always rely on a number of measurement tools for monitoring your progress so that you can differentiate between ‘fat loss’ and ‘weight loss’.
- Weight loss can be comprised of water, glycogen, muscle and fat, whereas the fat loss will always just be the loss of fat alone.
- To this end, we use Inbody Fat Scale on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, as well as circumference measurements, pictures, and also more subjective measures, like the way certain clothes fit on your body.
- The reason this is so important is that many of my clients are beginners or people who’ve trained before, but never done so properly.
So when they start with a qualified Personal Trainer and begin eating better, training harder and improving your lifestyle, more often than not your body composition improves in ways independent of just ‘weight’.
3 You Wait Until You’re Starving Before You Eat
- People who are trying to lose weight often think that if they skip a meal or can push back a meal time that will help them consume less calories.
- Eat until you’re no longer hungry, not until you’re full
- This often backfires because inevitably people will get so hungry that they overeat or don’t feel motivated to make a healthy decision.
- Having structured meal times and food prepped ahead of time can help make sure that hunger cues stay under control and people are able to choose balanced, healthy meals
4 .You’re Closing Your Kitchen Too Late- Late Night Snacking
- If you’re eating a big dinner late like past 11pm, you could be hurting your chances of successful weight loss.
- You will develop the habit of eating a larger meal for lunch, including treats, and taking the soup or salad you would’ve been having for lunch and eating it for dinner instead
- I’ve seen clients lose upwards of 10 Kgs simply from shifting their meal times, while eating the exact same diet. This shift also improves sleep quality and decreases morning grogginess.
5 .You’Re Drinking Alcohol/Wine
- Alcohol is one of your biggest weight-loss villains.
- A single glass of wine is between 120-125 calories,
- a vodka soda is a little over 100 calories, and
- a 400Ml margarita can set you back more than 1,000 calories—and that’s only if you’re having one
- These calorie-dense drinks also have little to no nutritional value, and it’s more likely that you’re going to crave greasy, unhealthy food than opt for a protein-and-veggie-packed meal when you’re tipsy
6. You’re Making Excuses
- Wake up, sit on the toilet
- Sit at the breakfast table to eat
- Sit in a car to drive to the station
- Sit on the train to work
- Sit at a desk from 8 am to 8 pm
- Sit on the train back home
- Sit on the sofa to relax and unwind in front of the TV
- The worst thing you’re doing for your health and weight loss goals is making excuses,” says Emily Tills, RD, a registered dietitian and nutrition coach. “You’re giving yourself the right to say, ‘I’ll work out tomorrow and continuing to push away at my goals because I have nothing to keep myself accountable to.’
- You’re giving yourself an inch and you’re taking a mile.
- Every time you set a goal and don’t follow through, you’re conditioning yourself to accept that you’ll never change and that things will never change.”
7 .Conditions and Medications That Can Cause Weight Gain
- Thyroid conditions
- Medications to treat diabetes
- Corticosteroid (steroid) medications
- Some antidepressant medications (SSRIs)
- Beta-blockers used to treat high blood pressure
- Antipsychotic and anticonvulsant medications
8.You’re Not Eating Enough
- The worst thing people are doing every day to gain weight is simply not eating,” says Kylie Burton, DC, CFMP.
- It’s not good for your blood sugar. Blood sugar imbalances, where it goes up and down just a bit each day, are the number one problem in hormone chaos.
- When your hormones are out of whack, weight isn’t coming off no matter what you do.
- Skipping meals or simply not eating regularly tells your body that you may experience a famine in the near future [and your metabolism will adapt by holding onto fat stores].
- Regular eating tells your brains that there is food ready to be consumed and your body doesn’t need to store what you eat [as fat] for later.
9.Hitting a Plateau
- Almost everyone reaches a weight loss plateau eventually. As your body adapts to your workout, it becomes more efficient. Over time, your body will expend fewer calories performing the same exercise. Your weight loss progress will begin to slow down and may even stop.
There are several reasons for plateaus.
- Doing the same workout: Your body needs to be challenged to progress, so make sure you’re changing up your program every four to six weeks.
- Eating too few calories: If your body doesn’t have enough fuel to sustain your activity level, your body will conserve, rather than burn, calories.
- Overtraining: If you exercise too much, your body may respond by decreasing the number of calories you burn on your rest days.
There are several ways to help break through a weight loss plateau, including varying up the exercises you do and changing your intensity or duration. Experiment to find the ones that work for you with the guide of a PT.
10.Having Unrealistic Goals
- Many people have an unrealistic idea about what it means to be at a healthy weight.
- If you take away all the reasons you want to lose weight that have anything to do with how you look, are there other reasons you need to lose weight?
- Are you at risk for medical conditions such as diabetes or heart disease?
- Is your BMI in an unhealthy range?
A conversation with your Personal Trainer or Doctor can help you make sure your wishes and goals are in line with what’s not only healthy for your body but possible. For some people, losing weight may be an important component of getting and staying healthy.
But if you’re healthy at your current weight, it may be best to invest your efforts in figuring out how to be happy with the weight you are.
While there may be a multitude of reasons why you’re not losing ‘weight’, for the majority, it usually boils down to one of the above, and especially the latter three.
- Exercise moderately, and add some weights. …weight-loss tips that actually work-For weight loss, experts often recommend 60 to 90 minutes of moderate exercise each day. If you’re doing high-intensity workouts, that number drops to up to 30 minutes.
- Be mindful. Mindful eating is half the battle, Trotter says. …
- Eat breakfast. …
- Eat more protein — wisely. …
- Don’t cut out carbs. …
- Speaking of vegetables… …
- Reduce your alcohol intake. …
- Don’t ignore calories completely. …
- Use the “power of the pause”