How To Lean Out Fat In The Legs

Cutting  down  fat your legs is possible as long as you understand the basics of fat loss. You cannot force your body to lose fat from a particular area. Instead, you have to focus on getting leaner overall through diet and exercise.

Achieving a set of lean legs is no easy feat; however, it can be accomplished with hard work and knowledge. To lean out, you will need to reduce your overall body fat with cardiovascular exercise a minimum of five times per week, as well as strength training two to three times per week.

There are several exercises you can do to slim your legs.
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Eliminate processed and high-caloric foods from your diet as well to really lean out thick legs.

How To Lean Out Fat In The Legs

Weight Loss | 15 Easy Ways to Burn More Fat

Best Cardio For Lean Legs

Aerobic exercise like jogging, or high-intensity interval training, such as sprints, can help you burn fat from your legs. Resistance training makes it easier to build and maintain muscle.

While there’s no best cardio for lean legs, long-distance runners tend to have leaner rather than thick legs than sprinters that focus more on short-distance, high-intensity work. The body uses glycogen and fat stores as fuel initially, but when running longer distances it may have to use protein as a fuel. This leads to degradation of muscle, muscle loss, and ultimately leaner legs.

Cardio Or Weight Training For Leaner Legs?

If cardio isn’t your thing, you can opt for weight training to slim down your legs and improve body composition. In a January 2018 study featured in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, middle-aged women who lifted weights burned fat and built muscle.

How To Tone Up Your Legs

Strength training two to three times per week will help you lean out your legs. The key is to focus on a variety of exercises that recruit a large number of leg muscles including the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, hip abductors and adductors.

Focus on increasing endurance and toning the muscles versus achieving muscle bulk by using lighter weights that fatigue your legs within 12 to 15 repetitions. Start with your body weight for most exercises and add weight as you get stronger.

Complete one to two sets of each exercise. A sample leg workout may include calf raises, squats, walking lunges, side-lying leg lifts and burpees.

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Add Some Intervals

Although long-distance exercise will help to lean out your legs, higher-intensity training will also help you burn off stubborn leg fat. Interval training involves exercising at a hard effort, in which you cannot carry on a conversation, alternated with lighter efforts for recovery to prepare you for your next hard effort.

Perform high-intensity workouts one to two times per week for 30- to 45-minute sessions. Try running one minute hard followed by two minutes easy. Repeat intervals eight to 10 times and included a warm-up and a cool-down. The less body-fat you have, the leaner your legs will look.

You Are What You Eat

Nutrition plays a key role in leaning out thick legs. In addition to regular exercise, you will need to eat a healthy diet that is low in calories but high in nutrients for fat-loss. Fill your plate with vegetables primarily, as well as lean protein, some fruits and healthy fats.

Eat three well-balanced meals per day as well as one to two snacks ideally before and/or after your workout to refuel tired muscles. Keep snacks simple with a balance of carbs and protein such as an almond milk banana smoothie or an apple with nut butter.

You Must Do Some Resistance Training To Tone Legs Better

If you want to build muscles in your legs, you should do weighted exercises like squats, leg presses and deadlifts. An October 2018 review featured in Sports Medicine showed that aerobic exercise, such as running, doesn’t build as much muscle as weight training.

Bottom Line

You can combine aerobic and resistance training to slim down your legs while maintaining or even building muscle. Doing each type of workout two or three times per week will help you get the best of both worlds.

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